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时间:2025-02-11 10:19:06



球类运动 篮球(Basketball) 乒乓球(Table Tennis / PingPong) 足球(Soccer / Football) 排球(Volleyball) 羽毛球(Badminton) 网球(Tennis) 曲棍球(Hockey) 棒球(Baseball) 冰球(Ice Hockey) 高尔夫球(Golf)

田径运动 跳高(High Jump) 跳远(Long Jump) 标枪(Javelin) 铅球(Shot Put) 铁饼(Discus Throw) 撑杆跳高(Pole Vault) 三级跳远(Triple Jump) 100米短跑(100m Sprint) 400米栏(400m Hurdles) 800米中跑(800m MiddleDistance Race) 1500米长跑(1500m LongDistance Race) 4x100米接力(4x100m Relay)

水上运动 游泳(Swimming) 蛙泳(Breaststroke) 自由泳(Freestyle) 蝶泳(Butterfly Stroke) 蹼泳(Fin Swimming) 跳水(Diving) 跳板跳水(Springboard Diving) 跳台跳水(Platform Diving) 水球(Water Polo) 皮划艇(Canoeing) 赛艇(Rowing) 冲浪(Surfing)

其他运动 拳击(Boxing) 摔跤(Wrestling) 举重(Weightlifting) 自行车(Cycling) 滑雪(Skiing) 滑板(Skateboarding) 帆船(Sailing) 橄榄球(Rugby) 手球(Handball) 体操(Gymnastics) 马术(Equestrian) 跆拳道(Taekwondo) 瑜伽(Yoga) 健美操(Aerobics) 马拉松(Marathon) 攀岩(Rock Climbing)

奥运会项目 射箭(Archery) 田径(Athletics) 现代五项(Modern Pentathlon) 射击(Shooting) 赛艇(Rowing) 帆船(Sailing) 乒乓球(Table Tennis) 体操(Gymnastics) 柔道(Judo) 跆拳道(Taekwondo) 网球(Tennis) 排球(Volleyball) 举重(Weightlifting) 摔跤(Wrestling) 三项全能(Triathlon) 羽毛球(Badminton) 体操(Gymnastics) 拳击(Boxing) 足球(Football) 篮球(Basketball) 曲棍球(Field Hockey) 橄榄球(Rugby) 滑板(Skateboarding) 运动攀岩(Sport Climbing)



In the vast world of sports, there are numerous activities that cater to different interests and abilities. Whether you are an athlete, a coach, a sports enthusiast, or simply someone looking to learn more about the sports world, understanding the English translations of various sports projects is essential. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of sports projects and their corresponding English translations, ensuring that you have a handy reference for all your sports-related needs.

Team Sports

Team sports involve multiple players working together to achieve a common goal. Here are some popular team sports and their English translations:

足球 - Football/Soccer

篮球 - Basketball

排球 - Volleyball

网球 - Tennis

冰球 - Ice Hockey

曲棍球 - Hockey

棒球 - Baseball

垒球 - Softball

橄榄球 - American Football

足球 - Soccer

Individual Sports

Individual sports are those where athletes compete against themselves or others in a solo capacity. Here are some common individual sports and their English translations:

田径 - Athletics

游泳 - Swimming

跳水 - Diving

体操 - Gymnastics

举重 - Weightlifting

射击 - Shooting

射箭 - Archery

乒乓球 - Table Tennis

羽毛球 - Badminton

网球 - Tennis

Winter Sports

Winter sports are activities that are typically performed on snow or ice, and they are a significant part of the Winter Olympics. Here are some popular winter sports and their English translations:

速度滑冰 - Speedskating

短道速滑 - Short Track

花样滑冰 - Figure Skating

冰球 - Ice Hockey

高山滑雪 - Alpine Skiing

越野滑雪 - Cross-Country Skiing

跳台滑雪 - Ski Jumping

自由式滑雪 - Freestyle Skiing

单板滑雪 - Snowboarding

冰壶 - Curling

Water Sports

Water sports are activities that are performed on or in the water. Here are some popular water sports and their English translations:

游泳 - Swimming

跳水 - Diving

水球 - Water Polo

帆船 - Sailing

皮划艇 - Canoe/Kayak

冲浪 - Surfing

跳水 - Diving

滑水 - Water Skiing

Other Sports

There are many other sports that do not fit neatly into the categories above. Here are some examples:

武术 - Martial Arts (e.g., Taekwondo, Karate)

自行车 - Cycling

马术 - Equestrianism

高尔夫 - Golf

板球 - Cricket

板球 - Baseball














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